5 Quick Tips to Improve Your Health & Happiness Deborah Nelson+ January 7, 2016

It is January already and Christmas and New Year’s seem like distant memories.  Many of us make ambitious resolutions on New Year’s with plans of losing weight, exercising more, and eating better.  We approach January with optimism and enthusiasm and all goes well, for a while.  By late January, we’re no longer going to the gym, by February, fast food wrappers litter our cars, and by March we’re busy making plans for St. Patrick’s Day revelry.  So – How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions??

If you have fallen short of your goals, don’t despair.  Perhaps your goals were a bit too ambitious and making smaller changes might help you reach your long-term goals more successfully.  Here are a few tips to get you back on track to living a healthier, happier life:

Move More

Unfortunately, many of us are tied to our desks and anchored to our cars.  Our modern lifestyles don’t allow for any significant physical activity on a regular basis.  This means you need to make a conscious effort to move your body.  An easy way to do this is by joining a gym and hiring a trainer.  Some gyms and trainers can be very affordable and can yield big dividends.  There are also outdoor “boot camps” and running and cycling clubs where you can meet new people, explore interesting routes, and get some great exercise.  The easiest way to move more is by walking.  You can walk to work, take the stairs at the office, walk on your lunch break, or walk in your neighborhood.  One fun way to challenge yourself to move more is by getting a pedometer and tracking your steps each day.  Many pedometers have features that allow you to compete with your friends to see who can rack up the most steps in a day.  The newer iPhones have a built in “Health” app that tracks your steps and the number of stairs you climb.  Regardless of what you choose to do, moving more will make you feel better.  It will help reduce your stress, cause you to literally breathe easier, lose weight, and even sleep better.

Get Enough Sleep

Your brain and body need sleep so that you can face the challenges of the day ahead.  If you don’t get enough sleep, your brain won’t be refreshed and you will have more difficulty concentrating.  If you have suffered an injury or are sick, it will take your body longer to repair if you aren’t getting enough sleep.  It is important to exercise “good sleep hygiene.”  Make sure your bedroom is cool and dark, free of distractions, and comfortable.  Avoid doing things like playing video games, exercising, and arguing before bed.  Instead, have a small snack before bed, read a bit, meditate, or engage in some other relaxing activity before you go to sleep.  Be sure to allow yourself enough time to sleep.  I think the ideal amount of time to sleep is 7-8 hours a night.  If you are exercising a lot or under stress, you may need more sleep.  Try a few different sleep times to see what works best for you – and keep the same bedtime all week long.

Drink More Water

Our bodies need hydration.  Alcohol, sugary drinks, and diet sodas aren’t healthy.  Although you may choose them in moderation, they aren’t a good replacement for water.  If you find plain water boring, try some of the naturally flavored waters that have only “essence” in them or opt for carbonated water.  Read labels carefully to make sure they don’t contain high fructose corn syrup, honey, cane sugar, or other artificial ingredients or sweeteners.  One healthy option is to put Nuun All Day tablets in your water.  Nuun is an all natural, calorie-free flavoring for water.  The regular Nuun is used by athletes to replenish depleted electrolytes.  It has too much sodium for daily usage, so opt for the “All Day” version of Nuun to hydrate you during the day.

Eat Healthy Foods

This might be the most important change you can make.  My motto is “Only Eat Good Food.”  Read all labels to see what is in the food you are putting in your body.  If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it!  Check the fat, sugar, and sodium content.  Try to avoid fast foods as much as possible.  Instead, try to eat whole foods – fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.  There are many resources available about what to eat and when to eat it.  Avoid fad diets and search for sensible solutions to your nutritional challenges.  Sometimes, an appointment with a dietician is all you need to help fine-tune your diet.  If you think of the food you eat as “fuel” to get you through your day, you can see how what you eat really matters.  Donuts and candy aren’t “fuel” for anything.  They just cause your blood sugar to spike and make you gain weight.  Given all you have to do in your life, wouldn’t you rather spend your time eating food that will help you accomplish what you want to achieve?

Count Your Blessings

I’m a “planner” and a “doer.”  I have a hard time remaining present and relaxed.  One of my resolutions last year was to appreciate my life more and focus on all the good things.  I started keeping a “Joy Journal” at the beginning of January.  I bought a little journal that I write in at the end of every day.  I only list good things, things that delighted me, things that made me smile or made me happy.  I didn’t write bad things or complaints in it.  When I do have a bad day, I can just look at my Joy Journal and see how many good days I’ve had and know that whatever is troubling me is sure to pass.  This Resolution worked so well last year that it is now part of what I do every day – focus on the good and embrace the joy.

Although our lives seem to be increasingly complex and fast paced with numerous demands on our time and attention, it is likely that our lives will be longer too because of the improvements in safety and healthcare.  So, why not enjoy every day and live your life with a healthy, happy body?  A wise friend of mine once told me “the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time to plant a tree is today.”  So, what are you doing today to increase and enhance your health and happiness?