Personal Injury

Suffering a personal injury is a traumatic and stressful event. No one is ever prepared for it. In addition to dealing with the injuries themselves, there are often medical bills, lost wages, car repairs, and insurance companies to deal with. If you aren’t able to leave the hospital or home as a result of your injuries, or if you are handling details for an injured friend or relative who is incapacitated, it complicates matters even further and may be overwhelming.

We provide full service to help you manage all aspects of your claim and your injuries. We help you obtain the appropriate medical treatment and collect the best evidence of your injuries. We coordinate with insurance companies to get your medical bills paid so that you can afford to obtain the treatment you need. We promptly settle claims for the damage or destruction to your vehicle so you can repair or replace your vehicle as soon as possible. We coordinate your entire case so that we can maximize your recovery and obtain the fair compensation to which you are entitled.

Our legal fees for personal injury cases are paid on a contingency basis. This means that we receive a percentage of what are able to recover for you without advance payment. We are not paid by the hour and “the meter” is not ticking. And, we don’t get paid until you get paid.

In many cases, we don’t charge any fee for resolving “property damage” claims – the claims related to the damage or destruction of your car. This fee structure enables you to afford a level of expertise and experience that you otherwise might not be able to pay for at a stressful time in your life. Contingency fees give you access to the courts and are another way that we facilitate personalized service with our clients – you can contact us when you have questions without worrying about extra fees.

Call Nelson Boyd attorneys for a free consultation at (206) 971-7601.