Health & Happiness Tips
Health Tip #3: Exercise Your Brain Deborah Nelson+ May 2, 2021

Learn Something New

Exercising your brain is as important as exercising your body.  It challenges you to move out of the comfortable spaces, expand your knowledge, and learn to think critically and strategically.  Pick one new thing to learn this year.  It might be a return to an old skill you learned as a child such as playing the piano, painting or collecting something.  It might be something new like learning a foreign language, studying photography, or learning to bake.  When I learn something new, a whole new world opens up to me, I challenge myself, reap the rewards of accomplishing something new, and often make new friends along the way.  This year, I’m studying yoga.  It is a bit slower than some of the other things I’ve taken on in the past – and I think that is a good thing.  In slowing down and studying something new, I expect to expand my horizons and increase my joy.  What new thing will you learn this year?