Legal Quizzes
Legal Tip of the Week: The Benefits of PIP and UIM Insurance Deborah Nelson+ February 24, 2015

You are hit by a car while riding your bicycle.  It was the car’s fault.  Will your auto insurance policy provide benefits (assuming that the person who hit you also has insurance)?

(a)            Yes
(b)           No

 Correct Answer:  Maybe

 IF you have Personal Injury Protection (“PIP”) insurance, your own automobile policy will pay your medical bills – even if you are riding your bike while you are injured.   IF you have Underinsured Motorist insurance (“UIM”), your own automobile insurance policy will pay you, as required by law, for your “pain and suffering” if the person who caused the collision does not have enough insurance – even if you are riding your bike while you are injured.   Everyone should have both PIP and UIM.

 Tip to protect yourself:  Check with your insurance agent today to make sure you have PIP and UIM insurance on your auto insurance policy.