What your Lawyer Wishes you Knew: We Cannot Take Every Case Deborah Nelson+ November 4, 2016


We Cannot Take Every Case.

People contact us with a dilemma or a legal problem that is troubling them.  It may have resulted in a physical injury, a loss of money, or some other harm.  Unfortunately, we cannot take every potential client that contacts us.  There are many things we must consider when accepting a case:  

  • Is this an area of law in which we practice?  
  • Was someone harmed as a result of the negligence of another person or entity?  
  • Is there any money (or sufficient money) available to compensate the person?  
  • Is there enough time left in order to pursue their claim or has the time to do so expired?  
  • Is the harm large enough to merit the expense and risk of a lengthy lawsuit?  
  • Are we the right lawyers for the job for this potential client?  
  • Is the case going to be too risky and too expensive to pursue so that the potential client may not be fairly compensated or satisfied with the result?  

There are NO “open and shut cases.”  The law is far more complex than that.

Many lawyers might take your case, only to tell you much later that they can’t continue to represent you, often for a failure of one of the reasons above.  At Nelson Boyd, when we accept your case, we intend to remain with you until the end.  For that reason, we have to make sure that the cases we take are ones where we can make a positive and meaningful difference in people’s lives.  

Sadly, not every harm that a person suffers requires a lawyer or can benefit from a lawsuit.  It is our job to determine which ones do.