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Jeff Boyd to Speak at the Multnomah Bar Association on May 30th, 2013 Jeff Boyd+ May 9, 2013

On Friday, May 30th, Jeffrey Boyd, President of Boyd Trial Consulting, Seattle, WA ( will present “How Jurors REALLY Think – A Live Focus Group Evaluates a Personal Injury Case.” This will be a live demonstration of a focus group in a typical car-crash personal injury case, presented by Jeff to the Multnomah Bar Association. The M.B.A. has over 4,600 members, primarily lawyers from the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area, including judges from the local, state and federal courts.

Jeff will present the evidence, arguments, and law to a group of “real” people: non-lawyers who could be jurors someday. The goal is to get the jurors’ feedback on the many aspects of the case, so that the lawyers in attendance can see and hear how real people think about the issues in a typical case. The class has been approved for 2 hours of continuing legal education credit.

Date: 5/30/2013
Time: 3-5 pm
Location: World Trade Center Mezzanine Room, Building 2, 26 SW Salmon, Portland, Oregon

Click here to register for the event.